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Automotive repair – Matmut is strengthening its approach to the use of reused parts in partnership with Valused

Insurer of more than 4.5 million people, Matmut has encouraged the use of reused parts in the field of automobile repair for many years. As part of its proactive CSR policy focused in particular on the circular economy, it is strengthening its action and establishing a partnership with the company Valused. The objectives: to facilitate the use of the reuse part for the benefit of repairers, members and the environment. With the ambition that by the end of 2024, the rate of use of parts from the circular economy can benefit its members in 20% of auto claims files.

Automotive repair - Matmut is strengthening its approach to the use of reused parts in partnership with Valused pThe Matmut Group committed to the circular economy

French law requires professionals to offer parts from the circular economy (PIEC) as part of automobile repairs. According to a study*, 71% of consumers are interested in using reused parts.

For many years, the Matmut Group has been strongly engaged in reducing consumption. Thus, it encourages service providers to adopt an eco-responsible approach to favor, as much as possible, the repair of damaged goods rather than their replacement. In the field of automobile repair, when repairing a part is not technically feasible, this involves using reused parts.

These certified parts are recommended jointly by the expert and the repairer during the vehicle inspection. These mainly consist of bodywork components taken from a vehicle before its destruction, which are marketed after dismantling, inspection, and preparation to be reused on a damaged vehicle. For Matmut, this positive alternative of sustainable development and circular economy is of interest when the used part is available quickly and according to a systematic rule aimed at obtaining prior agreement from the member.

As the insurer of 3 million vehicles in France, Matmut has a network of 4,000 approved partners who can offer this solution. To facilitate and accelerate the use of the reused part, Matmut is entering into a partnership with Valused.

What is a reused part? It is an available component from a state-approved end-of-life vehicle (ELV) center that can be reused on the insured vehicle as part of its maintenance or repair.

A partnership under construction with Valused, a major player in reuse parts

Launched in June 2023, the platform aims to become the preferred distributor of reconditioned parts for automotive professionals.

The use of a reused part already represents a share of nearly 16% of automobile repairs for Matmut. This already promising rate can further evolve with gains in delivery times for reused parts, more open interactions between recyclers, repairers and experts, etc.). Convinced that promoting the circular economy in the field of automobile repair must first involve mobilizing repairers, Matmut chose the solution proposed by Valused. In particular, it allows us to provide them with a maximum level of service, namely product qualification, customer and technical telephone support, delivery within 24 hours, after-sales service as well as an innovative concierge service for the “untraceable” part.

The approach is also part of a truly eco-responsible approach, aiming to reduce the carbon impact of repair activities by favoring, when the solution exists, reused parts from the local circular economy.

Concretely, to strengthen the service provided to its members, Matmut informed its network of approved repairers, focusing on Valused’s concierge service, which helps them search for parts that are difficult to find or even unavailable on the market.

Subscription to this service is currently completely free for approved Matmut repairers.

In addition, the implementation of APIs (software interfaces) allowing the Valused solution to be directly integrated into the tools of the automotive experts in the Matmut network is underway in order to gain, here too, responsiveness.

Matmut aims to reasonably increase the percentage of automobile repairs following a disaster to 20% (compared to 16% currently) by the end of 2024, incorporating at least one reused part.

Commenting on the establishment of the partnership with Valused, Stéphane Muller, member of the Executive Committee of the Matmut Group, in charge of the Property and Casualty Insurance Department, declared: 

“The advantages of what we are putting in place with our partner are numerous for automobile repairers. : access reused parts more simply and quickly, save time supplying parts, help reduce environmental impact, offer more accessible prices – up to 70% cheaper than the equivalent of new… all this also for the ultimate benefit of our members and ultimately in favor of greater energy sobriety.”

Julien Dubois, CEO of Valused, clarified: 

“Matmut’s commitment to the circular economy is exemplary and ambitious. We are very honored to have been chosen to contribute to the concrete realization of this commitment: in 90% of cases, a circular solution is available in our range. Matmut approved repairers can count on the full support of the Valused teams to develop the part from the circular economy under the best financial, logistical and quality conditions.”

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* Source GIPA Driver study 2022 – Questions asked to 3,900 French drivers: “To repair your car, would you be interested in installing…? 

