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Back2Car expands its services in the B2C market

In France, the brand of parts resulting from the circular economy of Alliance Automotive Group, Back2Car, announces the opening of its sales site to B2C customers and enriches its product and service offerings.


Back2Car expands its services in the B2C market p

According to Decision Atelier, French second-hand auto parts supplier, Back2Car has launched a consumer version of its website. Initially, it had an option for professionals, now there is an option for motorists themselves, allowing consumers to access guaranteed second-hand parts at competitive prices. 

For a better customer experience, the Alliance Automotive Group (AGG) brand is expanding its services with home delivery, click & collect or click & repair, which are explained as follows:

  • Home delivery – will take 48 to 72 hours by express.
  • Click & collect – by ordering their part on the site, the motorist can choose to have it delivered to one of the 1,200 affiliated distributors.
  • Click & repair – parts to be delivered to the workshop in order to have the part fitted to the motorist’s vehicle. The site indicates the amount of the service. The customer must then contact the repairer to make an appointment. This service makes it possible to establish contact between the three parties concerned: the distributor, the customer and the repairer.

Back2Car expands its services in the B2C market p twoFinally, Back2Car is also launching the Oust! – where motorists can dispose of their ELV nationwide. Oust! buys the vehicle back for recycling and takes care of the paperwork. To do this, Back2Car provides a form on its website which is followed up by an advisor for the buyout proposal, then a final proposal. The last step includes the repurchase and removal of the vehicle. 

In the near future, Back2Car is considering the development of an algorithm that will automatically set prices.

By launching into B2C, the objective is clearly to “conquer the French market”, as confirmed by Luc Fournier, director of Piec activities at AAG.

Visit the platform at 

