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Boost your core and catalytic converter profitability

New “QC Counts” seminar debuts at URG 2021

Boost your core and catalytic converter profitability p
Paul D’Adamo, (the ‘Recall Guy’) based in the US, provides a glimpse into how quality control can be applied to boost your core and catalytic converter profitability ahead of his ‘QC Counts’ debut at the upcoming United Recyclers Group (URG) 2021 training conference in August.


Boost your core and catalytic converter profitability d post
Paul D’Adamo

What does Quality Control (QC) have to do with Cores and Catalytic Converters?

QC has everything to do with Cores and Catalytic Converters as these are substantial revenue streams.

Our #1 priority of this Seminar is to change the way you think of these products. Without a change in your thinking and decision-making, you will never achieve higher yields. Chasing the highest dollar, cores is a moot point if the product is incorrect or damaged in the identification/pulling/packing phases. Watching the precious metals market price can also be an exercise in futility if you lose 10% of your product through sloppy removal and handling practices.

Shrinkage and Profitability

Shrinkage is defined as ’loss of inventory’. Keeping the shrinkage rate low is critical to success in business. It’s the difference between what you get and what you expected. This impacts your bottom line since auto recyclers assign a value to their cores and catalytic converters and may not achieve the total value due to quality issues filling the box. Shrinkage means you get less for your product. Learn how to MAXIMIZE your loads and therefore MAXIMIZE Profitability.

Core Companies Should Be Your #1 Customer

How many recyclers are over-stocked? When was the last time you checked your QOH and DOH? Let us help you make room for new inventory and clear out dead stock. Use the buying stats in your YMS to determine what parts can be cored at dismantling? Turn Cash and Turn Inventory utilizing one of your greatest resources: a dismantler with the tools and knowledge to pull parts at the optimal level.

Six Common Issues Related to Core Part Quality

Learn some basic training for your employees to ensure that they are not the cause of your lost revenue. Do you have a process? We will help you detail a process for your employees to follow and you to manage.

What Are The Most Expensive Words In Business?

This has become the most common question I ask in my seminars. Why? I have always referred to our business model as “organized chaos.” I have found that the key to success is where you are on the 1 – 10 scale of organization? Back in the 1970s, organization wasn’t as crucial as having inventory. Today, identifying, price, and delivering a quality product on time and as described, is paramount! We must continually seek to improve the way we do things, or we will not provide the products and services necessary to be successful.

Automobiles are one of the most recyclable products on the planet. Our role in the automotive supply chain gives us an incredible opportunity to monetize many products. Which products and how well we harvest them will make or break us. The cost of goods on end-of-life vehicles has never been higher. Let’s work together to increase revenue.Boost your core and catalytic converter profitability p two

See You in Dallas at the URG Training Conference August 5-7 – The Challenge of Change!

Questions on QC Counts? Contact Paul the “Recall Guy” at
