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Car Medic – Malaysia’s First Automotive Treatment Facility

Car Medic is the first-ever automotive treatment facility authorised by the Department of Environment Malaysia. They seek to revolutionise the automotive recycling industry through sustainable development to create a greener Malaysia.


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Figure 1: Photo was taken at Car Medic, featuring the Multi-Dismantling Machine in the salvaging operation

It was announced in the blueprint for the Malaysian automotive industry under – National Automotive Policy- that Authorised Automotive Treatment Facilities (AATFs) are to be developed to solve the issue of abandoned vehicles and pave towards Malaysia’s future in End-of-Life Vehicles (ELV) recycling. In this initiative, the Malaysian local authorities sent a group of participants for an ELV training program in Kanazawa, Japan, to understand the practical methods of vehicle processing, learned through the hands-on experience with the professional dismantlers in the AATF. In 2020, the Malaysian automotive industry celebrated its hope for a greener future by establishing the first-ever authorised automotive treatment facility – Car Medic.


Beginning as an automobile repair workshop with a vision to revolutionise the industry’s environmental accountability, Car Medic began their operations to establish a recycling structure in 2018. The first step taken to develop their automotive treatment facility was by attending the Japan International Cooperation Agency [JICA] training program in Japan, organised by Malaysia’s Automotive Robotics and IoT Institute. Through this exchange, Car Medic’s faculty gained insight into the practical and technical skills needed to work towards the certification of an AATF. At the same time, JICA created opportunities to establish connections with matured ELV players in developed countries, which was significant to truly grasp the essence of the practice in full.

An authorised automotive treatment facility (AATF) has strict requirements that must be complied with on an infrastructural and technological level. Car Medic ensures that their buildings are designed with specific features such as bunkers, gradient level floors and oil traps to guarantee the safe disposal of waste. The machinery involved is rigorously tested regularly to maximise results, so that Car Medic has the necessary data to bring about greater innovation. AATFs are also monitored through quarter reporting and annual audits by the Department of Environment, guaranteeing a greater degree of transparency and trustworthiness on a federal level.

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Figure 2: Depollution Zone at Car Medic
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Figure 3: Airbag deneutralisation equipment at Car Medic

eSWIS – Waste Management System in Malaysia

At Car Medic, vehicles labelled as SW422 are first identified to determine the appropriate channel to remove, store and dismantle them. These measures adhere to Malaysia’s Department of Environment guidelines, which means having waste be classified into specific codes such as [SW305-Lubricating oil, SW306-Petrol fuel, SW 327-Waste coolant, etc.] will minimise the output of unnecessary pollutants due to irresponsible mixing of waste. Upon strict differentiation of waste types, they are then collected by scheduled waste facilities that are legally licensed to recover and dispose of them effectively.

Car Medic’s managing director, Mr VL Kwan, has continuously expanded his horizons by visiting numerous AATF worldwide to see the ways other established AATF do it in terms of vehicle processing, material recycling, parts reuse and management of waste material.

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Figure 4: Tyre dismantling machine

Collaboration with Academia

To broaden the automotive industry’s approach in attaining more skilful recycling practices, Car Medic has strengthened the link between industry and academia in collaborating with Dr Mohd Radzi Abu Mansor, a professor from the Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering, Faculty of Engineering & Built Environment, The National University of Malaysia. He has been a key contributor in providing insights through uncountable research conducted for End-of-Life Vehicles in our common goal to enhance the automotive recycling industry.

With determination to contribute to society using knowledge and experience, Car Medic strives to improve. It is eager to join forces in its journey to refine recycling practices for a greener Malaysia.

Forwarding Step

Having obtained this license, Car Medic is engaging with government authorities and the town council to solve the problems of abandoned vehicles. Car Medic is also now cooperating with local motor insurance companies to handle and dispose of actual total loss vehicles.

Car Medic’s aspiration of “healing the planet, one scrap at a time’’ is a promise of dedication towards the cause, as they aim for a steadfast momentum that will create more innovative practices for Malaysia’s greener future.

Further information about Car Medic’s vehicle recycling process can be viewed in their YouTube video below

If you would like to get in touch with Car Medic, please email or
