The Commission has a legal obligation to “review the ELV Directive, by 31st December 2020.
A wide consultation exercise that has included inter alia targeted consultations and interviews was undertaken to assess the performance and suitability of the ELV Directive. On 6th August 2019 an online public consultation was launched and held open for contributions until 29th October 2019. General information on this consultation is provided here.
To gather views and information to support the evaluation of the ELV Directive, a Stakeholder workshop was held on 5th February 2020 to gather views and information to support the evaluation of the ELV Directive. The minutes of the meeting have been published and can be accessed here
The Commission has a legal obligation to “review the ELV Directive, by 31st December 2020, and to this end, shall submit a report to the European Parliament and the Council, accompanied, if appropriate, by a legislative proposal”. Moreover, the ELV Directive “should be reviewed and, if necessary, amended, taking account of (its) implementation and giving consideration, inter alia, to the feasibility of setting targets for specific materials contained in the relevant waste streams.
During the review of Directive 2000/53/EC, attention should also be paid to the problem of end-of-life vehicles that are not accounted for, including the shipment of used vehicles suspected to be end-of-life vehicles, and to the application of the Correspondents’ Guidelines No 9 on shipments of waste vehicles”. In accordance with the Better Regulation Guidelines, an evaluation is the first step in this process.
With reference to ELVs that are not accounted for, in section 7, the conclusion of the final report, it states that ‘around 10 million ELVs are expected to become available for treatment each year. However, the numbers reported are around 6 million, leaving about 35% of the total, of ‘unknown whereabouts’ each year.’
‘There are a variety of reasons for these missing ELVs, some of which pose greater environmental risks than others. The reasons include disposal at non-ATFs, treatment at ATFs but without a Certificate of Destruction being issued, ELVs exported as used vehicles out of the EU and storage of unregistered vehicles ‘off-road’ (possible in some MSs), but ‘there is no conclusive data available to quantify which reasons are the most significant.’
The Commission is currently carrying out an evaluation of the ELV Directive to identify good and bad practices in its implementation and assess whether it has met its objectives using the criteria of: (i) effectiveness, (ii) efficiency, (iii) coherence, (iv) relevance and (v) EU added value. The roadmap of this evaluation was published on 4th October 2018 and feedback on this roadmap was expected until 1st November 2018.
The consultant’s final report has been published and can be accessed here
More detailed information can be found at the contractor’s website: