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BIR May 25 Top

European Vehicle Scrapping Associations Unite to Enhance ELV Production and Design and Scrapping Regulations

On June 2, a meeting, held at Hotel NH Málaga, Spain, and organized by the Andalusian Association of Dismantlers (AAD) and the European Group of Automotive Recycling Association (EGARA), brought together the representatives of the European vehicle scrapping associations to discuss their aim to improve the design and production of end-of-life vehicles and analyze the scrapping regulations.


European Vehicle Scrapping Associations Unite to Enhance ELV Production and Design and Scrapping Regulations p
Image credit: CASAVI – Rafael A. Gómez Haro (holding certificate), recognized for the effort and dedication which he has managed to integrate into AAD as a member of Egara on Representation of Spain.

The first speech was given by Jaco Huisman, from the European Commission’s DG Enviromental, in charge of the new end-of-life vehicle regulations, who established the general lines of this new regulation that is being drafted and is expected to be finalized by 2024. The new VFU will be a regulation and will be merged with both the VFU Directive and the 3R type approval and is based on the following six points:

  1. Circular design: Improve circularity in the design and production of vehicles.
  2. Use recycled content: To spread the use of recycled content in the manufacture of new vehicles.
  3. Improve Treatment: Increase the quantity and quality of materials that are reused, remanufactured and recycled.
  4. Improve governance: strengthen producer responsibility by creating national extended producer responsibility regimes.
  5. Collect more: Increase traceability regarding the trade and export of vehicles.
  6. Cover all vehicles: Expand the regulatory scope to motorcycles, trucks and buses.

The second speaker was Fernando Burgaz Moreno from the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge, who detailed the obligations derived from Royal Decree 265/2021, of April 13, whose text anticipates the future environmental regulations of VFUs.

Joaquín Caballero Valcarce, head of Waste and Soil Quality of the General Directorate of Sustainability and Climate Change, of the Ministry of Sustainability, Environment and Blue Economy of the Junta de Andalucía, explained the powers granted in the Environment of the Junta de Andalucía, as well as the obligations that the Managers and Producers have, detailing the environmental procedures necessary to obtain authorizations such as CAT; and the activities carried out by the Junta de Andalucía in terms of surveillance and control of activities.

Aida Vilaret Cano, Provincial Head of Traffic in Malaga, presented the evolution of the processing of cancellations in Spain, with the approval of Royal Decree 265/2021, of April 13, which has hardened the use of Temporary Cancellation, for Accident and Export, to avoid fraud of these procedures that made the ‘zombie’ vehicles disappear from the adequate flow of treatment in the CATs. She also spoke about the voluntary digitization of final withdrawal files. The commander of Seprona de Andalucía, Agustín Luque Gómez, carried out functions in the protection of nature and clandestine actions.

European Vehicle Scrapping Associations Unite to Enhance ELV Production and Design and Scrapping Regulations p two
Image credit: CASAVI – Attendees at the conference

Egara was presented, in which Andreas Frössberg, current president, recognized the importance of CATs being united in Europe. Rafael A. Gómez Haro, Provaluta manager and second vice president of AAD, was also recognized for the effort and dedication which he has managed to integrate into AAD as a member of Egara on Representation of Spain.

