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India International Vehicle Recycling Summit

27, 28, 29 April 2021

ACEA - Reports provide input to 11th amendment of Annex II to the End-of-Life Vehicle Directive f two

This event has now taken place. 

Below you can find the recordings and presentations made by our speakers. 

Also, make sure to download the Webinar Handbook.

A free virtual event for those involved in auto recycling to learn, share and network with others.

Session One

27th April 2021

IST 1:30 pm GMT 8:00 am CST 3:00 am

Deepti Kapil
Sanjay Mehta
Shalini Goyal Bhalla
Prabhjot Sodhi

2:15 – 2:45 pm (IST)

Deepti Kapil

Central Pollution Control Board (CPCB) - India

Indian Vehicle Recycling

3:00 – 3:30 pm (IST)

Panel Discussion

Sanjay Mehta

Director MTC Group & President at Material Recycling Association of India

Shalini Goyal Bhalla

Circular Economy Expert - ICCE - India

Prabhjot Sodhi

Head of Circular Economy - UNDP - India

EPR in the Automobile Industry - India

COVID-19 and car dismantling EGARA viewpoint
auto recycling industry - An interview with ARA’s Sandy Blalock view

3:45 – 4:15 pm (IST)

Henk Jan Nix

General Secretary - EGARA - Netherlands

Directing the Directive

4:30 – 5:00 pm (IST)

Sandy Blalock

Executive Director - Auto Recyclers Association - USA

Vehicle Recycling - Truly International

Day One Video Recordings and Slides

Henk Jan Nix, General Secretary, EGARA - Directing the Directive
Henk Jan Nix, General Secretary, EGARA - Directing the Directive
Panel Discussion one: Sanjay Mehta and Shalini Goyal Bhalla - EPR in the Automobile Industry
Panel Discussion one: Sanjay Mehta and Shalini Goyal Bhalla - EPR in the Automobile Industry
Deepti Kapil CPCB - Indian Vehicle Recycling
Deepti Kapil CPCB - Indian Vehicle Recycling
Sandy Blalock, Executive Director, ARA - Vehicle recycling, truly international
Sandy Blalock, Executive Director, ARA - Vehicle recycling, truly international

Deepti Kapil

Henk Jan NiX

Sandy Blalock

Webinar Handbook

Session Two

28th April 2021

IST 1:30 pm GMT 8:00 am CST 3:00 am

Sumit Issaar

2:15 – 2:45 pm (IST)

Sumit Issaar

MD & CEO - Mahindra - India

Dismantling Standards

3:00 – 3:30 pm (IST)

Sujit Samaddar

Advisor at Material Recycling Association of India - India

The Role of the Informal Sector

SYNETIQ, the largest UK-owned salvage and vehicle recycling company, appoints Tom Rumboll as its new CEO p
Amar Singh
Shilpi Kapur

3:45 – 4:15 pm (IST)

Tom Rumboll


Sustainability of the Vehicle Recycilng Industry

4:30 – 5:00 pm (IST)

Panel Discussion

Amar Singh

Secretary General - MRAI - India

Shilpi Kapur

Senior Fellow - TERI- India

Scrappage Schemes – Hits and Misses

Day Two Video Recordings and Slides

Sumit Issaar, MD & CEO - Mahindra - Dismantling Standards
Sumit Issaar, MD & CEO - Mahindra - Dismantling Standards
Sujit Samaddar, Advisor - MRAI - India - The Role of the Informal Sector
Sujit Samaddar, Advisor - MRAI - India - The Role of the Informal Sector
Tom Rumboll, CEO, SYNETIQ - Moving to a sustainable future
Tom Rumboll, CEO, SYNETIQ - Moving to a sustainable future
Panel Discussion two: Amar Singh and Dr Shilpi Kapur - Scrappage Schemes – Hits and Misses
Panel Discussion two: Amar Singh and Dr Shilpi Kapur - Scrappage Schemes – Hits and Misses

Sumit Issaar

Sujit Samaddar

Tom Rumboll

Webinar Handbook

Session Three

29th April 2021

IST 1:30 pm GMT 8:00 am CST 3:00 am

Lalit Sharma
Dr Bharat Bhushan Nagar

2:15 – 2:45 pm (IST)

Lalit Sharma

Researcher, ELV India

End of Life Directives

3:00 – 3:30 pm (IST)

Dr. Bharat Bhushan

Waste Management & ELV Consultant

The Role of Technology in the ELV Sector

ARC responsible recycling steve fletcher four
Piotr Barczak
Shalini Goyal Bhalla

3:45 – 4:15 pm (IST)

Steve Fletcher

MD - Auto Recyclers of Canada - Canada

Vehicle Scrappage Programs - Key Success Factors from the Canadian Experience.

4:30 – 5:00 pm (IST)

Panel Discussion

Piotr Barczak

Inclusive Circular Economy Expert at the European Environmental Bureau - Belgium

Shalini Goyal Bhalla

Circular Economy Expert - ICCE - India

The Worldwide Approach to Vehicle Recycling

Day Three Video Recordings and Slides

Lalit Sharma, Researcher - ELV India End of Life Directives
Lalit Sharma, Researcher - ELV India End of Life Directives
Dr Bharat Bhushan, Waste Management & ELV Consultant - The Role of Technology in the ELV Sector
Dr Bharat Bhushan, Waste Management & ELV Consultant - The Role of Technology in the ELV Sector
Steve Fletcher MD - ARC - Canada Vehicle Scrappage Programs
Steve Fletcher MD - ARC - Canada Vehicle Scrappage Programs
Panel Discussion 3: Piotr Barczak and Shalini Goyal Bhalla - Worldwide approach to auto recycling
Panel Discussion 3: Piotr Barczak and Shalini Goyal Bhalla - Worldwide approach to auto recycling

Lalit Sharma

Dr Bharat Bhushan

Steve Fletcher

Piotr Barczak

Webinar Handbook

A virtual platform that makes it real

We want you to get the maximum experience from our webinars, and that we make it as close to a real conference as possible. The platform that we are using gives you the chance to interact with the speakers and ask questions throughout their presentations. Also, like a real conference, there will be opportunity to network with fellow attendees via video links, either one to one or in groups. 

We suggest you find out more about the platform before the event itself. For help setting up your profile and to understand how to use the platform, we have provided some videos. 

It is recommended that you use Chrome.

There is a help function available throughout all webinars if you do experience any problems.